Monday, June 6, 2011

Hello, my name is...

It's come to my attention lately that unless you go to my school and are in my etymology class, you have no idea who I am. That's pretty funny, at least to me. I wonder if you'd still read my blog if you knew? Anyway, I'm prepared to introduce myself. So without further ado, here it goes.

Hello, my name is Riley. I'm seventeen years old and a junior in high school. Surprised? No, probably not. Anyway, at the risk of sounding like a giddy teenager finding herself on a social network page, I'm going to tell you a little about myself. As you probably already figured out, I'm an avid reader. Unlike my classmates, who only blogged in an effort to keep their grades up, I actually like blogging (as does my mother, although she'd rather read/tell everyone she knows about my own. Hi mom!). I thoroughly enjoy english class (at least, this year I started to) and it's unsurprisingly my favorite subject, thus my decision to hopefully go to college and study creative writing. As cliche as it is, I love music. I wouldn't go so far as to sound cheesy and say it's my passion because I'm not sure I have a passion just yet, although reading would probably be the closest thing I have to a passion. I like finding new artists and introducing their music to my friends. Recently, I discovered a new band called Givers. They were described as akin to Vampire Weekend, with a female singer and I am in accord with the assessment because they do sound extremely alike. I highly recommend the song Up Up Up if you are at all familiar with VW, and even if you are unfamiliar with them because it's a pretty fun song. I really don't like metal/hardcore/screamo and some forms of rap (like lil wayne). My closest group of friends is a group of miscreants whom I enjoy thoroughly. It's a pretty mixed group of friends, seeing as I get along with a lot of different people. I'd like to say, along with everyone else, that I'm quirky, and truly unique, unlike everyone you've ever met, but you'll have to decide that for yourself. I do count myself pretty cool because I inspired my older sister to start a blog. She wishes she could be me, no big deal. Check out her blog Au Revoir!

P.S. I was not privy to, in any way, the making of the hilarious video Hot Kool Aid, I am merely an avid fan. Sorry to dash your hopes and dreams. If I were as entertaining as Julian Smith, I would most definitely make videos documenting my hijinks, but sadly I have no such talents; just a sarcastic sense of humor that would probably not be entertaining to most viewers. Which is why I will stick to my guns, which I believe (as my mommy has told me) is writing/blogging. At least, I hope I'm good at blogging. You'll have to be the judge of that, as my readers, however few of you there may be. *sigh*

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