Friday, May 27, 2011

Crossing the Finish Line

Okay, yes, this post has nothing to do with running and the analogy is a little stretched, I admit, but I like using random titles instead of just "Reflection" or "Final Blog." You can deal.

I feel very accomplished this semester, reading-wise. I broke the 4000 page barrier with 4311 pages read this whole semester (since I'm still reading Weeping Underwater Looks a lot Like Laughter and I don't have it with me to count the pages, this is just a ballpark figure). I probably could have read more, although my mother had to ban me from reading for fun. Yes, it's embarrassing that the only thing she could think to take away from me as punishment was literature. Nerd Alert. I am a nerd reader; a very independent, enthusiastic, can't-put-the-book-down-'til-I-finish bookworm. I wouldn't say I've progressed in my reading since the beginning of my Etymology class, however I have challenged myself to read more challenging literature in my days with Hill. Again, this makes me feel very accomplished.

My reading places basically consisted of wherever, and whenever, I had a couple of spare minutes. I read in math class, in etymology, in AP lit, sometimes I even read at lunch, thus furthering my nerd status. However, mostly I read right before I go to sleep. I hate just lying there, trying to fall asleep. Reading gives me something to do while I wait for my heart rate to slow and my brain to fall into hibernation. As soon as my eyes start drooping, I might close the book, begrudgingly.

I find in my sister a good listener when it comes to book commentary, especially because she's almost as book-wormy (book-wormy?) as I am and we read basically the same things. I love reading books, and I even have a quota I want to reach by the end of the summer. I'll let you know how I'm doing, periodically. Hopefully. Don't quote me on that.

As for poetry, I dreaded poetry at the beginning of the semester and I still have a little apprehension when it comes to facing it, but I feel I'm able to analyze them a little better and thanks to my AP Lit class, I really do understand them. Writing about them, on the other hand, is a different story...

Anyway, I really enjoyed our Etymology semester and I'm sad it's ending :( Hopefully, I keep up my blog.

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