Thursday, February 24, 2011

Perspiring Accomplishment

While it is unfortunate that the repeated closings in our school district keep pushing back the last day of school, I'm thankful for this day off. Firstly, because now my AP Lit essay isn't due tomorrow (I think...). But that's not the only reason. Usually snow days make me feel lethargic and I end up just planning on doing all these things I never follow through with. However, today I woke up at eight something (amazing right!! At first I thought I was late for school and freaked out because my phone had died, therefore my alarm on it didn't go off) and already I've worked out and have almost finished the 400-some page book I bought yesterday! I pride myself on my sharp reading skills, even though it is a pretty easy read. Anyway, about my workout. I've never liked running but since my mom has been on this Zija kick (more on that later) I've had a ton more energy and am properly preparing for swimsuit season (SB '11 here I come!). My running duration has been steadily increasing and today I ran for twenty minutes straight. Nothing exceptional, but I am a speed runner, not distance so I'm pretty proud. Proud enough to have spent over a half hour on the computer shopping for swimsuits. Have I mentioned I'm super psyched for Spring Break? It's the first year I get to bring a friend with us and I cannot wait!
So this Zija thing, you ask? Well Zija is this nutritional shapeshifter (there are many varieties, which I will explain) that was created from the most nutritional tree on Earth. Yes, on Earth. I'm not exaggerating. The tree is called Moringa and is used to cure all types of maladies and diseases, etc. etc. There's a Zija canned drink, drink powder you mix with water, an energy and Moringa capsules that you take once a day. According to what my mom has told me, all the food we consume is devoid of nutrients and filled with chemicals made to make it sugar free, fat free, everything they say is good for us. What Zija does is it fills in the gaps so that your body can function correctly and perform its job to its highest potential. The other cool thing is that it gives you all this energy because of the nutrients and it satisfies you so you don't each excess junk. Plus the Moringa caps help you lose weight. I mean if you just took this you probably wouldn't have to work out all that much but it does help. My mom's gotten me on it and I've stopped drinking soda (against my will, unfortunately, but soda has a boatload of chemicals so it's a good thing. Whatever, mom) and I personally think I look the best I have in a long time. Ever since I stopped playing soccer after middle school and stopped diving this year, I've been super lazy, but lately I've felt AWESOME. If you want to see some success stories go to I'm not trying to peddle this, but it's seriously amazing. I've never liked working out, but now I run every single day.

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