Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Novel Memories

1865 - Lewis Carroll wrote the epic children's novel, Alice in Wonderland. While Carroll's story may not be my favorite, John Tenniel's illustrations are comical and well done. The 1867 illustrations of Alice In Wonderland are creeepy. Thanks a lot, Arthur Rackham.

1898 - I remember reading, and then seeing movie versions of, Madeline. The one I recall first is when Madeline gets kidnapped and forced into child labor in a lace shop. Not a very child-like storyline, but it was memorable.

1900 - L. Frank Baum. In case you didn't know, he wrote The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Illustrations - top notch. Story - funny and timeless.

1910 - Been a long time since I've heard of/seen/read Goodnight Moon!

Love You Forever. My mom used to read that book to me. Good memories.


Independent bookstore for children??? I wish I had known about this when I was younger. I basically would be living there. I'm going to start an independent bookstore for teens and young adults with built in barista (NOT Starbucks). Yeah, sounds good to me.

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